Fibromyalgia is a difficult condition to live with. One is constantly in pain. The worst thing about this disease though is perhaps the fact that it has no externally visible signs. This makes it extremely difficult for other people to realize that the person standing next to them in an elevator, wincing in pain and discomfort, perhaps, requires immediate medical attention.
The most difficult situation during the state of illness of a person suffering from this disease is the fact that his or her loved ones are unable to understand the patient$%:s condition. The patient may even be labeled a hypochondriac. This can accentuate feelings of depression, which are characteristic of those suffering from the illness. There might be times when a patient may not even know what disease he or she is suffering from and this might make his or her journey to acceptance through diagnosis, nothing less than traumatic.
All these factors make it extremely essential for all patients of fibromyalgia to have access to some sort of a support group. There are many such support groups online.
Most of these support groups consists of people who are suffering from this disease and others who have a loved one going through the trauma of fibromyalgia. The support groups allow you to share your experiences with the disease. You also get a chance to know what other people went through while suffering from the same condition as yours.
These support groups can be extremely helpful in times of crisis, especially if you are suffering from depression. Most of these groups also have recognized medical practitioners, counselors and legal advisers with them. They provide you with extremely valuable resources that can prove to be helpful for the patients as well as their loved ones at every stage of the illness.