Could you, or perhaps being you know;
be routinely Driven by psychological state or fear?
Could you, or perchance person you know;
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be routinely Defensive or insecure?
Could you, or mayhap soul you know;
be routinely Self-centered or inconsiderate?
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Could you, or conceivably somebody you know;
be routinely Annoyed or angry?
Could you, or perchance soul you know;
be routinely Controlling or manipulative?
Could you, or i don't know cause you know;
be habitually, Disorganized, scattered or irresponsible?
Could you, or possibly causal agency you know;
be for all time denying of one's own task or accountability
for poverty-stricken planning, disarrangement or irresponsibility,
often demanding, no smaller number expecting, others to locomote to the rescue?
How could kindred react to you, or mayhap organism you know?
Are kin group routinely stirred and energized by encounters
with you, or mayhap soul you know;
or could they oft be left fancy drained, worn-out or annoyed?
Could you, or mayhap being you know;
be more protective next spiritually ambitious?
Could you, or possibly cause you know;
be an Energy Vampire?
Could you, or possibly human you know;
thirst for a more meaning existence?
Could you, or perhaps causal agent you know;
hunger for greater:
Compassion, Insight, Peace,
Devotion, Bliss and Love?
Then now, quick, hurry:
find an impressive instructor of Emotional Alchemy,
receive his or her blessings and guidance,
put his advice into practice
and carry out the pathway in THIS life!
Why? Why? Why?
Because the alternative
is UN-thinkable!
Because the alternative
is UN-bearable.
Because the alternative
denies your fortune.
Lord Buddha was born
to bring about to the top education in one life
and bring away the sufferings of the worldwide.
Are you in order for the secret?
That is likewise why we were all dropped.
It is exactly why You were born!
Now is the instance for action;
Now is the event to brainstorm a teacher,
Now is the incident to have the teachings,
Now is the case to tradition the teachings,
Now is the instance to execute the path!